(+) Do You Know What I Mean
Do you know what I mean?
look at the sky that changed black
It was reflected my mind
But I'll take my mind easily
We're not ourselves sometime
So this am I suffocating
We're not ourselves sometime
So this am I suffocating
Do you know what I mean?
Let's visualize all the people livingin peace
10 seconds, 1hour all day,
anywhere and time of this day
Today it's the key
We're not ourselves sometime
So this am I suffocating
We're not ourselves sometime
So this am I suffocating
We're not ourselves sometime
So this am I suffocating
2022-04-08 06:20:12
Today's Hot lyrics
불어라 바람아 (+) 한승기노래
bureora barama (+) hanseungginorae2
(+) 나는 반딧불
(+) naneun bandipbul3
(+) 조광일 - 곡예사 [곡예사]ㅣLyrics/가사
(+) jogwangil - gogyesa [gogyesa]ㅣLyrics/gasa4
황가람 (+) 나는 반딧불
hwanggaram (+) naneun bandipbul5
차쿤&에네스 (+) 눈물
chakun&eneseu (+) nummul6
IVE (아이브) (+) ATTITUDE
IVE (aibeu) (+) ATTITUDE7
(+) Yonezu Kenshi - Lemon [가사/발음]
(+) Yonezu Kenshi - Lemon [gasa/bareum]8
(+) 연인 ... 한승기(가사)
(+) yeonin ... hanseunggi(gasa)9
IVE (aibeu) (+) REBEL HEART10